27 January 2015

Oh My Heart Finish

I started this project just a wee bit ago.  I am feeling SUPER accomplished for THREE reasons.

Reason the First  - It is the quickest "from concept to finish" quilt I have EVER finished.  I blogged about that HERE.  I started January 17 and finished it January 26.  

Planning Phase
Pieced and in Strips - rough lay out
Reason the Second - I sewed from just my stash.  When I first was inspired, it was quite late at night and I knew I needed to stick to what I had on hand.  Generally, things are kinda lean at El Casa del McNay around this time of year anyway.  PLUS like most quilters I don't use the fabric as quickly as I buy it.  I have scads of random scraps that I just need to cut into usable bits and put in my storage containers.  I have them neatly labeled with the size of the squares.

Quilt back with left over purples from my stash

Reason the Third - I used Free Motion Quilting on this project! (woot woot)  Ever since my first pieced quilt fiasco (read about that HERE) I am gun shy about FMQ.  I made some of the same mistakes, but I took the time to pick them out and make do with what I had. 

FMQ and Straight line. <3 that scrappy binding
Showing off the drape
I did learn some more quilting lessons.  I should have spray basted and use more pins to baste this quilt.  I also should have ironed and starched the top.  I think both would help with the shifting.  This size was less intimidating than other quilts I completed on my home machine.  

Finished and my *heart* is happy :)

I am overall pleased with how nice it washed up.  It's true that the quilting can hide a multitude of quilty sins!  Perhaps quilty inexperience is the better term.

My Husband told me that the quilt looked like a broken heart.  He felt the low volume squares and the light pink squares didn't provide enough contrast.  I used straight line quilting on the heart squares and meandering Free Motion Quilting on the low volume squares and the border.  I think the difference in quilting helps the heart shape to pop out more.

All wrinkly from the first wash.

 What would you do to make the heart "pop"?  Have you ever had a quick finish?  Tell me in the comments below!  I love your feedback!

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